Unraveling the mysteries of life...

a place to Escape!

A blog for everyone

Life, love and all the fun and messy bits in between

mystifymi writer blog

honesty is not only the best policy - but also the most amusing one!

This is a blog based on my life experiences and discoveries…

Writing is a Passion

finally this year got round to publishing!!

Phil and Ned - an unbreakable Friendship

These guys make Dom and Brian in Fast and Furious look like nothing! (available to read for FREE )

Freedom and No Regrets

The code of a biker and a friend - a story of love, loss and loyalty.

The Final chapter

.... because life never stops giving and we never stop adapting .... (work in progress!)

Book Reviews

My Happy Readers!

Obsessions and interests

Blogging about things we love and the things we don’t …. 

Finding ways to be positive and happier in an increasingly confusing world.

Projects, drafts and publications.

Cute dog

From dawn to dusk we strive

Some days we strive with success, others are more about failure. Some contain laughter and other are about getting up when we fall on our face.

Read my face-platers and successes!

writing a blog

From ideas to publication!

I would love to be the next Anna Todd – however I am not sure how likely that it. In the meantime I will keep writing and sharing with you here.

Happy reading!

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Guest posts welcome!

If you have something to say or share, let’s do it!!!